Sometimes love is...

Sometimes when you found that one special person that means to you more than anything in this world, you will fight for him or her, you will rick all, you put him or her in front of everything, your future, your life, your career – all of it. When you found that one special someone that you really care the most – you’re not afraid to risk, or to be hurt, because you know you’re doing just the right thing to do. You love, and you try to express and show that love in any way you can.

Sometimes too, when you meet someone who shares you the desire to achieve, who inspires you to do your very best, and someone who will love you for who you are, or what you are and what you may become, you found that real love.

For love is not assuming, it is free of anything. It is giving. It is making other person happy. It is bringing out the best to people. It is inspiring, it doesn’t seek for glory or return, it is without condition, description, or qualification – who and what you are does not matter anymore. What matters is that you are happy, and most important the one you love is happy.

► Read Kenjie's previous articles here.

4 Reactions:

Gumamela said...

For love is not assuming, it is free of anything. It is giving. It is making other person happy. It is bringing out the best to people. It is inspiring, it doesn’t seek for glory or return, it is without condition, description, or qualification – who and what you are does not matter anymore. What matters is that you are happy, and most important the one you love is happy.

super like! :)

Noel Ablon said...

"When you found that one special someone that you really care the most – you’re not afraid to risk, or to be hurt, because you know you’re doing just the right thing to do."

When you found your special someone and you think that it is he/she that is destined for you, you will feel fear. Fear of what lies ahead and fear of losing him/her. But when your heart speaks, you won't even call it risk - it is plain LOVE.

Ken said...

thank you Bhing and Noel

Carnation said...

and the greatest is indeed LOVE ... the greatest commandment of all time is to LOVE ... God and others and yourself ...

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