
How to be a Kablogs Journal contributor?

We welcome you to submit any of the following articles to this journal (based on a monthly theme which can found HERE):

1/ Poems (in English, Filipino or any dialect). If it's a poem in a local Filipino dialect, please have a corresponding translation in either English or Tagalog;

2/ Photos (in color or black and white);

3/ Short stories (fiction) in English, Filipino or any dialect (same instruction as 1 above);

4/ Essays (in English or Tagalog);

5/ Feature articles (in English or Tagalog).


1/ This journal abides by the Blogger Terms of Service. We therefore expect our contributors to abide by it as well.
2/ All your article contributions should be your property and not copied -- in part or in whole -- from any other sources (otherwise, it should be copyrighted properly).
3/ All your submittals, except for the photos, will undergo refinement by this journal's section editors and editors-in-chief.
4/ Ownership of the submitted articles will still remain as the authors'.


We will accept articles for a particular theme every 24th of the month. Publication will be on the 1st day of the month. Please submit articles and photos at